

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Download Gratis Ebook 100 Tips dan Trik Photoshop

Daftar Isi Ebook :

- Select the color setting for your projects
- Set the preferences for the way you work
- Move the panels and tools to customize your workspace
- Personalize your view of bridge
- Add a keyboard shortcut for a favorite filter
- Create a custom action to increase your efficiently
- Design a customized brush with your settings
- Make a special gradient to suit your design
- Calibrate and profile your monitor to better editing
- Turn on the full power of photoshop with a peb tablet

- 2D to 3D.doc
- 3D Anaglyph.doc
- 4 Point Star.doc
- Adding a Ghost to a Photograph.doc
- Agar gambar terang dan tidak blur.doc
- Analogi Exposure yg Tepat.doc
- Antique Burn.doc
- Antique Photo.doc
- Apa sih Exposure Value.doc
- Artificial Water Reflections.doc
- Aurora Glow.doc
- Bedah Foto Winter.doc
- biar foto kuno.doc
- Black.doc
- Blast.doc
- Camera Motion Blur.doc
- Cara Cepat Membuat Frame Di Photoshop 7.doc
- Cara lain Konvert BW.doc
- Cara Membuat Tone Warna Berbeda.doc
- Cartoon Shader.doc
- Change flower colors in under a minute.doc
.................... sampe 100 tips

Untuk Download E-book Photoshop Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks


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